Amazon ASIN to Product Manufacturer Lookup Export Tool

Through the use of our new bulk conversion software, you can now take your own product list of Amazon ASIN data and identify the product manufacturers in one simple step.

Convert Product Information Quickly and Easily

In today’s economy, it is no wonder why many small business owners search high and low for ways to make their work both easier and more profitable. Our new ASIN to manufacturer bulk conversion tool makes it possible to instantly match your own product list of Amazon ASIN data to the manufacturer of each item.

How it Works?
See the search tool in action!

Save Both Time and Hassle

Forget the time-consuming and frustrating search methods of the past. Our conversion software utalizes Amazon's massive database to locate matching manufacturer information, so you can be confident that you will not only quickly recieve your results, but you can depend on their accuracy.

Just Export and View

Simply upload your list of products in either a .csv or .xls (Excel) formatted document. Our system operates using Amazon’s API database, which ensures accuracy and speed. Search for the manufacturer and other basic information for thousands of products simultaneously. Select "Export to Excel" to view a user-friendly document with all of the requested product information.

The Technology Behind the Tools

Our ASIN to manufacturer tool operates by working in collaboration with Amazon’s API database, which contains all of the information for the listed products on We search for matching ASIN/manufacturer combinations in this database, which gives us the results in the form of XML data. We then convert this data into a user-friendly Excel document, or display the results on a webpage.

Individual Conversion Software

If you don’t need to find the manufacturer of many products, typically anywhere up to three, than our individual ASIN to manufacturer conversion tool may be most helpful to you. Our individual uploading tool works similarly to the bulk tool, in that they both utilize Amazon’s API database. The individual conversion tool is unique because instead of exporting your results to an Excel file, you view the results online. With this tool you must individually search each ASIN, and manually document the information.