You'll save so much time with our tool!
Brand to Amazon ASIN Lookup Export Tool
Our brand to ASIN conversion tool quickly and easily located the corresponding information needed to upload products to
Convert Product Information Quickly and Easily
Do you need to find the ASIN information associated with your product's brand? Thanks to our new brand to ASIN conversion tool, you can avoid the hassle of having to individually search for each ASIN number.

How it Works?
See the search tool in action!
Save Yourself Hours of Searching Online
Our software uses Amazon's API to find the matching information to any product brand. This information includes the ASIN data, and any other requested information, related to the inputted brand. To get started, all you need is a .csv or .xls (Excel) file containing all of your brands.

Export to Excel
After uploading your list of products, select the option "Export to Excel." The results of our software search will then be exported into an easy-to-read file containing the ASIN data.
Technology Behind the Tool
Many have found our software invaluable, but few understand how it works. Basically, the brand to ASIN converter tool submits your list of product brands to Amazon's API database, which returns the most relevant and current information related to your product brands. This includes the ASIN information, product title, and any other requested information.
We retrieve the XML information from Amazon, and then it is analyzed by our system and reorganized in an easy-to-use Excel file. A single search can yield ASIN data associated with your brand list.

Individual Conversion Tool
We also offer an individual brand to ASIN conversion tool, which allows for individual searches of ASIN data relating to your product brand. Simply use the brand name of the product, enter it into the designated box, and retrieve its ASIN and other relevant information.
This tool differs from our bulk tool because it does not give you a downloadable Excel file, but just shows results that can be manually recorded. This type of search is most useful if you only wish to look up one or two products at a time. You will able to view your results online immediately at the time of your search.